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111 Press 2 Service

The “111 Press 2” service has been developed across Wales as part of a Welsh Government priority in order to create an easy to access mental health service, operating across a 24-hour, 7 day a week basis.

Powys Teaching Health board launched 111 Press 2 on 10th May 2023 as a soft launch and are pleased to announce it is now a fully operational 24-hour service.

The 111 Press 2 service is available to all members of our Powys communities and we are able to offer a comprehensive, over the phone mental health triage assessment.  Assessments are completed by skilled Mental Health wellbeing practitioners who are directly supported by mental health registered professionals, the team is based within the county.

Following triage, a plan is formulated between the caller and wellbeing practitioner.  As a service we have pathways into all secondary care mental health services, along with LPMHSS and Silver Cloud. We have strong relationships with all our third and voluntary sectors, including pathways for Drug & Alcohol services.

The 111 Press 2 service does not replace any current systems or pathways your GP practice already has in place.

It is our aim to ensure anyone requiring urgent mental health support can get the right help at the right time, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

As a service 111 press 2 are unable to support people with medication issues, we are not currently able to advise on any medication requests, therefore, anyone requiring medication advice or initiation who are unknown to secondary mental health services would be directed back to their own GP within practice hours or Shropdoc out of hours.  We are unable to support with requests for sick papers or notes.

Our 111 Press 2 wellbeing practitioners are trained to offer brief interventions over the phone and do not have a time limit on their interaction with the person, therefore we envisage our service will help decrease the pressure on GP services, especially for anyone who you may feel would wish to receive mental health support. We would encourage individuals, families and carers where possible to ring the service themselves.

Page published: 24 January 2025
Last updated: 24 January 2025