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Subject access request

Use this service to submit a subject access request.

You can use this service if you:

  • are registered at the surgery

You have the right to access your medical record and have any errors or mistakes corrected. We are not aware of any circumstances in which you will have the right to delete correct information from your medical record; although you are free to obtain your own legal advice if you believe there is no lawful purpose for which we hold the information and contact us if you hold a different view.

This request will be dealt with within one month of receipt. If your request is complex or numerous it may be necessary to extend this period and we will advise you of this.

We may charge a “reasonable fee” if the request is “manifestly unfounded and excessive”. You may also be charged a reasonable fee for further copies of the same information.

Parental responsibility

All mothers and most fathers have legal rights and responsibilities as a parent, known as ‘parental responsibility’.

A father does not always have automatic parental responsibility and you may therefore be asked to provide evidence that you:

  • are married to the child’s mother
  • are named on the birth certificate
  • have been given this responsibility by the courts

Gillick competence

Gillick competence is a term originating in England and is used in medical law to decide whether a child (under 16 years of age) is able to consent to his or her own medical treatment, without the need for parental permission or knowledge.

Third party information

Third party information is that which discloses information relating to or provided by a third party who has not consented to that disclosure. It may be necessary to redact this information.

Before you start

We’ll ask you for:

  • your first and last name, date of birth, sex, postcode, email and phone number
  • if applicable, the details of the person you are completing the form on behalf of
Start now

You can also phone us on Hay Medical Centre 01497 822100 or Talgarth Medical Centre .

Page published: 21 January 2025
Last updated: 22 January 2025