Opening Hours

Hay Medical Centre

Hay Medical Centre is currently closed.

Tuesday08:00-13:00 (Prescription Hatch open 14:00-17:15)
Wednesday08:00-13:00 (Prescription Hatch open 14:00-17:15)

Talgarth Medical Centre

Talgarth Medical Centre is currently closed.

Monday08:00-13:00 (Prescription Hatch open 14:00-17:15)
Thursday08:00-13:00 (Prescription Hatch open 14:00-17:15)
Friday08:00-13:00 (Prescription Hatch open 14:00-17:15)

Please note that when the surgery is closed from 13:00, the prescription hatch will be open 14:00-17:15 for patients to collect their prescriptions.

Telephone lines are manned by practice staff from 08:00 to 18:30 Monday to Friday.

Alternatively, you can access assistance from our reception team at either practice during the opening hours as stated above.

Out of Hours Service

Monday to Friday, 18:30 – 08:30, weekends and bank holidays.

If you have a severe problem such as difficulty in breathing, chest pains or heavy bleeding you should call 999.

If you need care that cannot wait until the surgery is open, please ring 111, which is a free number. If phoning from a mobile you may be unable to connect to this number – you will then need to phone 0345 46 47 instead.

Dispensary Opening Hours

Monday – Friday: 09:00-13:00, 14:00-17:15
Saturday and Sunday: Closed